You have a prepaid credit, which is consumed for each performed query (by the actual execution time, at millisecond granularity), for each saved query (every hour, at kilobyte granularity) and for each extraction task (fixed cost, plus the storage - billed as saved queries). You can opt to receive a mail notification when you credit drops below a certain threshold.
Register now to obtain 1€ of free credit, and discover how much you can achieve even with so little funds!
You are no longer able to perform queries, both on the web interface and the SPARQL endpoint, and to call the pay-per-call APIs.
If you have saved queries or extractions allocated within your account, your credit is consumed every hour by some fraction of eurocent accordly to their size. When the credit drops below 0, you receive a first notification after 7 days and the account is suppressed after another 7 days.