Periodically, a benchmark executing the first 100 example queries in Wikidata is performed on both Wikidata Query Service and Semantic Builders.
Here are the result on Sun, Jun 2, 2024 12:03 AM...
A full Wikidata instance is up for you: less concurrent traffic, more of your queries to be crunched!
As Wikidata receives tons of requests and limit the execution time of queries, sometime it fails to manage all of them.
Query Example | Semantic Builders | Wikidata |
Cats | 0.424 | 0.707 |
Horses (showing some info about them) | 12.637 | 18.704 |
Cats, with pictures | 0.238 | 0.410 |
Map of hospitals | 2.292 | 5.730 |
Map of hackerspaces | 0.205 | 0.665 |
Number of humans in Wikidata | 0.131 | 0.280 |
Only truthy values | 0.904 | 0.940 |
Including non-truthy values | 0.396 | 0.721 |
Humans born in New York City | 26.218 | 47.076 |
Popular eye colors among humans | 1.225 | 2.906 |
Humans whose gender we know we don't know | 8.294 | 11.233 |
URLs of Wikipedia in all languages | 0.166 | 0.377 |
Names of Wikipedia articles in multiple languages | 0.169 | 0.374 |
All items with a property | 0.311 | 0.495 |
All statements of an item containing another item (direct / first-degree connections) | 0.195 | 0.947 |
Total population in the Øresund Region | 0.154 | 0.305 |
Mayors that are any kind of domesticated animal | 0.494 | 0.891 |
Mayors that are either a dog, a cat or a chicken | 0.206 | 0.309 |
Items in the Messier Catalog, with image | 0.418 | 0.627 |
Brightest stars, with image | 79.428 | 52.922 |
Map of the world's sign languages with number of practicians | 0.488 | 1.503 |
Senses on Swedish phrase lexemes with a synonym | 0.238 | 0.386 |
Senses on English lexemes with an offensive or profanity style statement | 0.213 | 0.326 |
Swedish lexemes missing in SAOB | 0.571 | 1.108 |
Forms in Swedish that have no example demonstrating them | 7.090 | 278.123 |
Get the lemma for an inflected word in English | 0.155 | 0.290 |
The Swedish alphabet | 0.172 | 0.511 |
Danish phrases | 0.166 | 0.422 |
All forms in Swedish missing a pronunciation for the form with a representation identical to the lemma of the lexeme | 3.629 | 24.870 |
Lexemes in English that match an expression | 1.196 | 1.935 |
Lexemes in Swedish with usage example that demonstrates both a form and a sense | 0.423 | 0.945 |
Pictures of noun lexemes in English (picture dictionary à la Wikidata) | 14.087 | 17.289 |
German picture dictionary for young children | 14.274 | Error |
Lexeme languages by number of usage examples | 1.723 | 2.608 |
Lexemes describing a color | 0.397 | 0.822 |
Lexemes that means water ordered by language | 1.038 | 1.235 |
The 100 most translated concepts in the Lexeme namespace | 2.540 | 3.673 |
Demonyms on map | 1.104 | 1.770 |
Forms in Hebrew that are both feminine and masculine | 2.074 | 2.355 |
Lexemes by number of statements | 14.572 | 34.840 |
Standard Mandarin Lexeme Forms missing Pinyin Transliteration | 0.709 | 1.891 |
Properties grouped by their parent property | 2.254 | 2.096 |
Subproperties of location (P276) | 0.238 | 0.479 |
Properties grouped by their Wikibase datatype (Q19798645) with number of properties | 0.362 | 0.696 |
properties used to link to instances of technical standard (Q317623) | 2.723 | 2.554 |
All properties with descriptions and aliases and types | 31.885 | 26.761 |
Properties connecting items of type zoo (Q43501) with items of type animal (Q729) | 11.603 | 15.439 |
Content of a reference for a specific statement | 2.382 | 2.528 |
Numbers of Wikipedia sitelinks for items with Art UK artist ID (P1367) for each language | 6.165 | 2.527 |
Wikisource pages for authors of scientific articles | 37.363 | 41.543 |
People deceased in 2018 ordered by the number of sitelinks | 4.951 | 7.016 |
Most famous child of a librarian | 2.595 | 4.110 |
All languages with a Wikimedia language code (P424) | 0.831 | 0.972 |
All Wikipedia sites | 0.522 | 2.120 |
Featured articles of all Wikimedia projects | 25.220 | 84.700 |
List of present-day countries and capital(s) | 0.689 | 0.965 |
UN member states | 0.380 | 0.496 |
Largest cities per country | 4.662 | 2.792 |
Wikidata people per million inhabitants for all EU countries | 75.981 | 36.288 |
Papers about Wikidata | 0.639 | 0.861 |
Countries sorted by population | 0.375 | 0.636 |
Country populations together with total city populations | 3.459 | 8.556 |
Names of African countries in all their official languages and English | 0.478 | 0.840 |
Languages and dialects spoken in the Netherlands with their optional Wikipedia editions | 10.561 | 17.321 |
Population of cities and towns in Denmark and their OSM relation id | 21.579 | 19.559 |
Former capitals | 102.611 | Error |
Largest cities of the world | 1.235 | 2.668 |
Cities as big as Eindhoven give or take 1000 | 21.695 | 16.625 |
Destinations from Antwerp International airport | 0.331 | 0.336 |
Cities connected by the European route E40 | 0.213 | 0.577 |
Cities connected by the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian Railway | 0.224 | 0.395 |
Metro station of city with template | 31.594 | 3.847 |
Cities connected to Paramaribo (Suriname) by main roads | 0.254 | 0.608 |
Names of 100 cities with a population larger than 1000000 in the native languages of their countries | 1.453 | 3.181 |
Show all Dutch municipalities that share a border with Alphen aan den Rijn (Q213246), ignoring rank | 0.149 | 0.574 |
Border cities of the world | 2.495 | 26.087 |
Municipalities of the Basque Country without former municipalities | 8.614 | 21.487 |
Longest rivers | 19.014 | 19.873 |
Longest river of each continent | 15.322 | 31.223 |
Rivers in Antarctica | 6.846 | 17.188 |
Body of water with the most watercourses ending in it | 5.908 | 8.806 |
Mons (mountains), with coordinates, not located on Earth | 0.439 | 1.075 |
Highest places on Earth | 6.025 | 17.267 |
Highest mountains in the universe (with units) | 23.201 | Error |
Highest mountains in the universe (with units, compact form) | 3.583 | 5.738 |
Mountains over 8000 meters elevation | 22.361 | 33.300 |
Italian mountains higher than 4000 meters | 13.851 | 16.834 |
Places in Antarctica more than 3000km away from the South Pole | 3.851 | 5.426 |
Metro stations of Paris Métro Line 1 (Q13224) in Paris | 1.045 | 0.923 |
Map of Broadway venues | 0.525 | 0.736 |
How many states this US state borders | 0.240 | 0.403 |
Places that are below 10 meters above sea level | 23.511 | 183.003 |
Globes used to represent coordinates | 0.158 | 0.491 |
Places within 1km of the Empire State Building | 1.262 | 1.545 |
Select French municipalities by INSEE code (select by identifier) | 0.566 | 0.732 |
Map and list of municipalities in The Netherlands | 1.649 | 2.743 |
Emergency numbers by population using them | 0.422 | 1.080 |
German states, ordered by the number of company headquarters per million inhabitants | 51.786 | 53.784 |
Popular names per birthplace | 7.840 | 8.469 |
Things located where the equator meets the prime meridian | 0.176 | 0.395 |
Just pay for the queries you perform.