- Dec 2, 2022
Latest updates from Semantic Builders!
Improvements for Saved Queries
Some improvements have been introduced in the Saved Queries panel, and the most relevant one is the ability to choose the access level of your datasets: public queries are accessible by anyone through the provided URL (try it on your favorite social network!), while private queries are accessible only to you.
We've also started collecting statistics on public dataset views, so you can monitor which of your shared results has been the most popular over the last 30 days.
Other Features
Saved Queries are now directly accessible from the Query interface: click on one of them to recover your SPARQL query, review, modify and execute again.
Filters and sortable tables have been introduced on API Keys, Saved Queries and Billing panels, to easily access to what you are looking for at each moment.
Beta Access
Semantic Builders is still in beta, and all newly registered accounts are gifted with an exceptional 10€ free credit to spend performing complex queries and share amazing results! Inform your colleagues of this offer, and share your feedbacks with us!